May Income Report


May’s income report was a slight increase from April, for a total of 1002.88. May was the month to start reorganization of my thoughts, my workflow and my direction in Internet marketing and making money online. I started the focus on writing my own product. I’m doing 2 to start with, a photography book on my style of photography, Hollywood Glamour Photography, and the second on my new way of monetizing websites, the fastest way I have found to do it so far.

While all the marketing and money making programs I have done have been good in their own way, for one reason or another, they do not monetize fast enough to help pay the bills.

Like I said This month saw a slight increase from last month, and I am forecasting a gradual but steady increase from here on out. I have a few new sites I’d like to talk about, one being a Kindle Forum.

I am hoping to make a community of people chatting away about their Amazon Kindles, Apple iPads, and Barnes & Noble NOOKs. If you are one of my readers and wish to help me out, I could use more people signing up and posting on that board. As we all know, no one posts to an empty board. Eventually it will be monetized so if you all stick around maybe you will watch it grow?

I have also decided I have a Domain Addiction. 🙂 I buy domains with the intentino of monetizing them, but I have way too much on my plate to really do anything about it. So I have decided to start a 12 step program called domain buyers anonymous. For those of us afflicted with Domain Buying Addiction. I almost bought 2 domains today but decided not too, I have tons of domains I can monetize, but just need to sit down and do it.

Do you, or someone you know, suffer from Domain Buying Addiction? We can help…hahaha…

BTW I own over 350 domains, is that sick or what? I ‘d like to know. 🙂

Anyway on to the report for this month:

Amazon – 48.43

Dating Sites – 465.17

Affiliate eBook  Sales – 47.50

Text Link Ads – 57.67

Google – 284.11

Advertising – 100.00

Total – $1002.88

last month (April) – 977.53


This blog is successful because of your support, and I'd like to thank you for that. Some of the links are affiliate links and I make a small commission that helps to support the family.
As always I 'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment, and thank for your support!

Be sure to check out my Podcast!

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