Income Report for August 2010, Niche Profit Course and ReviewAzon
I’ve been rather busy lately, putting out some niche sites, because it’s the Holiday Season and people are Buying like crazy! Great time to have an amazon powered Niche Site, pulling in sale after sale. I also recently listened to a great podcast over at Smart Passive Income with Chris Guthrie, Author of Niche Profit Course.
You can read how Chris got his start at making money online at his site He posted one little video he made about the game called HALO, and having it go viral. Pretty cool story.
I downloaded his Free Guide, and then ended up getting his complete course which is basically his free guide and then a bunch of videos going over each step, but then some secrets to making large sales and continued sales. This is a great product which to me is worth the money I spent on it.
He also recommends using the plugin-in called ReviewAzon, which I also bought and have been using ever since. I can’t tell you how much time the plug-in has saved me when doing my niche sites. What used to take meat least an hour to post 2-3 posts about products for the Amazon Affiliate program, now takes me minutes to post twice as many. What a time saver, AND it posts a nice looking post with images and user reviews that are pulled directly from Amazon and shown in the Amazon fashion. If you’re going to be doing Amazon Associate review sites, you need ReviewAzon.
This plug-in saves me time, money and enables me to put up several sites a day if I needed too, which I have last week, in a record time. It posts great professional looking posts which give people a nice feeling when they see the posts. Amazon has brand recognition and people trust Amazon, so when you start posting professional looking posts associated with, the sales come in even faster.
The links above for the products are affiliate links which, when you use them to buy, help to support this blog, and my family, as I get a commission. Thanks for your continued support!
Now on to the income report for August. I know it’s a bit behind, but I’ve been very busy with my newborn girl, and making affiliate sites, as well as blogging on here more often and now doing a podcast. This report shows -72.04, less than July’s Income Report, but still 2168.72, for the month of August. Still not totally the amount I need to be fully self sustaining, but getting there. The next few months you’re going to see a big jump in Amazon sales and Google Adsense income.
Finally, here’s August’s income report:
Amazon – 139.74
Dating Sites – 504.09
eBook Sales(Mine) – 47.82
Affiliate Sales – 223.22
Clickbank Sales – 53.20
Text Link Ads – 47.15
Google – 363.50
Side Jobs (Hosting, WordPress Installs) – 790.00
Total August – $2168.72
Last month (July) – $2240.76
Difference of $-72.04

August 2010 Income report
As always I 'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment, and thank for your support!
Be sure to check out my Podcast!
Great to see the details. The growth (even with the small dip) is impressive. My current blog wasn’t intended as a money making venture, but you’ve got my wheels spinning on another idea that could be.
…and congrats on the baby!!
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..It’s Not You – It’s Your Lazy Genes =-.
Thanks Kathy, yeah the little dip is not much but still a dip and the coming months after that are going to be even bigger. The income streams have been growing consistently each month. and thanks for the kind words.