June Income Report


Last month I was talking about this months income report, and how it was going to be much better. Well it is. As you can see it’s about $700 better, which was a nice boost. I am shooting for even more in July. I’ve started on several eBooks, 4 of which are already online and selling, Rockabilly Hairstyles.

My next ebooks are about black and white Hollywood Glamour Photography, something people have been asking me for, for a while now. I am hoping that will be a good seller.  I am also going to start my fetish photography site, and a digital photography site. Yeah I know there’s a ton of them, but mine will be different. I promise.

As you can see, I did a website flip last month. I didn’t make much from it but the experience I gained was invaluable. The income from the dating sites went up a bit too, and I sold some old wedding photos to a client whose wedding I shot several years ago. They were sitting there on my hard drive, and I thought maybe I should offer them a disk of unedited images. They can edit and print as many as they want. it’s been like 3 years. They bought it instantly.

Amazon was back up again, and going to be even better for July, I guarantee it! You can also see my ebook sales in there too.

Amazon – 98.79

Dating Sites – 730.83

eBook Sales(Mine) – 76.79

Affiliate eBook Sales – 45.40

Text Link Ads – 62.73

Google – 320.33

Website Flip – 110.00

Photography Sold – $250

Total – $1694.87

last month (may) –$1002.88

Difference of $691.99

This blog is successful because of your support, and I'd like to thank you for that. Some of the links are affiliate links and I make a small commission that helps to support the family.
As always I 'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment, and thank for your support!

Be sure to check out my Podcast!


2 Responses to “June Income Report”
  1. Dr. Skigh says:

    It is really encouraging to see the actual breakdown of income plus the growth over time. Please keep providing these posts. Are you able to commit full-time to you websites yet?
    .-= Dr. Skigh´s last blog ..WP Design- Before and After Screenshots =-.

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