It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, and there are several reasons why, which I will go into. Let me first explain a little about this post and the reason for posting it. I’ve been blogging on here for a while now relating my successes and struggles. I also read many other blogs on […]

It’s been a little over 2 months since I posted last, in fact December 6th was the last post. I had been busy making sites and getting them indexed for the rush of Christmas traffic, and just got caught up in the whirl wind of excitement. LOTS of things happenin’g and happened since then, one […]

Technically it’s been a little over a year, but who’s counting, maybe 13-14 months, but it’s been a year. I’ve come a long way since I started reading Yaro Staraks Blog, one of the biggest reasons I am still doing this. I was in his Blog Mastermind program after reading so much good content on […]

I’m subscribed to Copyblogger as should all of you be, and I got the post for the day and it talks about speech recognition software. I’ve been “playing” around with speech recognition for a little while, but only getting frustrated with it as it works half the time if that. I watched the video at […]

Today is my daughters 1st birthday. I am taking her to the San Diego Zoo and taking her directly to the petting zoo. I want her to get a feel, literally, for the animals. It’s her day today and I want to make it special. Although she may never remember this day, she can still […]